
Joyas botánicas de Almería

Orquídeas de Almería

Plantas parásitas de Almería






Amanita muscaria

If you tell someone that you are going to search for mushrooms in Almería, he will probably look at you in surprise, for it is generally thought that in Almería, few or no mushrooms can be found. That is far from being true. There are lots of them and of a great variety of species. The outstanding biodiversity of our province also translates into fungi. Here, there is little interest in mycology, at least not as much as in other regions of the country where it is a widespread hobby. This makes Almería an "Untouched territory", to the enjoyment of enthusiasts.




  • When it comes to collecting mushrooms for consumption extreme precautions must be taken, for their identification is very difficult and tricky. Unless you are absolutely sure that it is an edible species, it is better not to try your luck, for your life is at stake. The best thing is simply to photograph them or collect some samples for study. This way, nature will remain intact and you will go beyond just an ephemeral culinary enjoyment.
  • Autumn and, to a lesser extent, Spring will be the seasons when you can find a greater amount of fungi. Close attention must be paid because many of them blend with the enviroment.
  • Some people are in the habit of destroying all inedible or poisonous fungi that they find. That is an atrocity, because all of them have a function in the ecological balance. Therefore, we must respect nature for our later enjoyment and for future generations.



Fungi of Almeria Lichens of Almeria



Issoria lathonia

In Almería can be found a great variety of fauna, from large mammals like goats, wild boars, wolves, etc; birds, reptiles, amphibians or insects, some of these of outstanding beauty. Especially beautiful are butterflies, which can be spectacular when seen in flight. Here, I wanted to show these creatures in their natural environment, without causing them any harm. This usually entails great difficulty, given the elusive nature of them.




  • You must be very careful with some animals, like wild boars or foxes, which could attack people if they feel threatened. Birds are generally very elusive, but there are cases when they have attacked people, like seagulls. Some reptiles are venomous or can bite, so care must be taken too. As to insects, some of them can sting or bite, pervade you with an unpleasant smell etc. As a general rule you should not touch them unless you are absolutely sure that they cannot cause you any harm.
  • Spring and summer are the seasons when you can see more animals, although they can be found throughout the year.
  • Animals make part of nature and they must be respected. All of them are part of a chain in ecological balance, each of them has its role in nature, even those considered vermin. You should not scare or kill them unless absolutely necessary, to stop them from causing you harm or to control pests. As a general rule, it is better to observe them, for there is a lot to learn from them.





Gallery of insects Gallery of Lepidoptera Gallery of arachnids

Gallery of birds Gallery of reptiles Gallery of other fauna




Atlas básico de lepidópteros

Edición digital del cuaderno de Salvador Ibáñez y otros autores, publicado originalmente en 1980. Una muestra de los lepidópteros de la provincia de Almería.



Gadoria falulkei

Almeria is located in one of Europe's biodiversity "hot spots". Here you can find from species typical of tundra through to subdesertic flora, this being the flora of Almeria it is one of the richest in Europe.

There are in Almeria a lot of endemic plants, that is, species that are only found here or that have their habitat in a reduced area that includes our province.

That is why Almeria is especially attractive to those who want to study the flora of our territory, as well as to the photography of flowers enthusiasts, given the great variety, rarity, or beauty of some species.



  • Obviously, if we want to continue enjoying the beauty of our flora, we must be respectful with our plants, and never pull them up to take them home, for in a very short time they will be withered, so our enjoyment will be ephemeral.
  • The best way to keep a flower's beauty is by photographing it, in this way we will keep it magnificent for ever.
  • The observation of flowers is not only limited to spring, as some could think, but we can find them throughout the year, though spring is certainly the season when the great burst takes place. In the same way, we should not think that in a dry place, apparently devoid of life, we will not find anything, for some of our most beautiful flowers grow in enclaves of this kind.







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Filago, Logfia and Bombycilaena

Filago, Logfia, Bombycilaena


Flora of Almeria's natural areas



Almería province's exclusive endemic flora




 Critically endangered    Endangered   Vulnerable     Near threatened    Not threatened   Not evaluated



Publications (In Spanish)


Joyas botánicas de Almería (Almeria's botanic jewels)

Endemic, rare and threatened flora of Almeria province, with photographs, descriptions, habitat, distribution and comments of each of them



Orquídeas de Almería (Orchids of Almria)

A work about the orchids that can be found in Almeria, with photographs, descriptions, habitat, distribution and comments of each of them



Plantas parásitas de Almería (Parasitic plants of Almeria)

A work about the parasitic plants that can be found in Almeria, with photographs, descriptions, habitat, distribution and comments of each of them



